RG3 IS BACK! #Com3backSZN

Let’s fucking go!!!!

I’m about to start a competing podcast to Johnny and Kayce’s Comeback SZN, but it’s me and it’s called Com3back SZN. We’re witnessing RG3 getting back into the league, and while maybe he’s 3rd string right now behind Flacco and Jackson, he will start in this league again or die tryin. Maybe I’ve had a couple too many IPAs tonight (hardoooooo) but I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. RG3 looked electric out there. He’s only a few year removed from winning rookie of the year and leading the Skins to the playoffs, he still has gas in the tank. Let’s just hold hands, say a prayer for his brittle knees, and watch the com3back in all it’s glory.

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